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Upgrade cisco wireless controller

 In this blog we are going to learn how to upgrade Cisco wireless controller 

Before go to upgrade we can make sure we have taken backup of below config

  • configuration
  • license file
We can start upgrade in few steps 

step 1- 

we must sure that we are able to reach of our FTP server where we downloaded our image

Step 2- 

we can transfer file from FTP to controller using below command

Controller) >transfer download serverip "FTP_IP_ADD"

STEP 3 --

 We have two  options ie  FTP or TFTP to download the image to WLC from the server

(Controller) >transfer download mode tftp

STEP 4 -

Issue the file type for WLC

(Controller) >transfer download datatype code


Select the IOS image which you want to upload into WLC. Issue the transfer download path command in order to define the path to TFTP

(Controller) >transfer download filename AIR-WLC_xyz.aes

STEP 6 -

Start the TFTP download process.

STEP  7 -

once downlaoding is completed we can Reboot the system to take new IOS image as primary

Controller) >reset systemThe system has unsaved changes.

Would you like to save them now? (y/N) y    

Configuration Saved!

System will now restart!

STEP 8 -

Verify WLC image 

(Cisco Controller) >show sysinfo

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