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Cisco ISE authentication method EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)

This topic is very important if you are using ISE or preparing ISE , also for interview purpose 


There are many flavors of EAP supported by ISE, we will be covering the most commonly 

used three options.

PEAP (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol)

• Security works much like a web site using SSL/TLS.

• Client uses the server certificate to encrypt data.

• Does not require a client certificate.

EAP-TLS (Transport Layer Security)

• Does require both server and client certificates for mutual authentication.

• E.g. The network knows it is Bob from Accounting and Bob knows he is truly attaching to the 

correct network (not a spoofed SSID).

• Considered the most secure option.

EAP-FAST (Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling)

• Does not require client certificates.

• Uses PAC files to create the secure tunnel.

• Can be used for Machine and User simultaneous authentication.

• Requires the Anyconnect Supplicant on the workstation

Basically we are using three method mainly in ISE, so we focused on that only.

PEAP Authentication Process --

EAP-TLS Authentication Process  --

EAP-FAST Authentication Process --

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