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app connector not connect to cloud zscaler

 if we got an App connector not connected to the Zscaler cloud, we got the below logs .

How to fix this issue use below stepes  -

if an App Connector was deleted from the ZPA Admin Portal accidentally. ZPA immediately recognizes that it should not communicate with the App Connector, and it breaks the active connection

There is no way to recover the App Connector

STEP 1 - Remove the App Connector on the deployed platform

--> login into App connector though your admin credentials and use below command to stop App connector service.

[admin@zpa-connector ~]$ sudo systemctl stop zpa-connector

STEP 2- Enter the following command to delete the App Connector:

[admin@zpa-connector ~]$ rm -f /opt/zscaler/var/*

Step 3 - Restart services

[admin@zpa-connector ~]$ sudo systemctl restart zpa-connector

Please note - If you attempt to delete the App Connector and the App Connector still reports an ID number, then the App Connector was not fully deleted.

and provision App connector to fix issue.

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