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cisco ISE cli command

 Find the below commands and function details of that cmd.

-- >> application configure ise

configure Monitoring database related tasks  

example we want to take backup of internal key just simple press 7 

-->>  application [ remove {application-name}]

To remove any application use - application [ remove {application-name}]

example remove ise - 

ise/admin# application remove ise

-->> application reset-config
Resets the Cisco ISE application configuration and clears the Cisco ISE database

-->> application start
Enables an application bundle
--->>> application stop ise
stop ISE box
-->> application start ise safe
start ise in safe mode

-->> application [ upgrade {application-bundle | remote-repository-name}]
upgrade ISE box use this command
example - 
ise/admin# application upgrade prepare ise-upgradebundle-3.x.0.x.x86_64.tar.gz
ise/admin# application upgrade proceed

-->> backup [{backup-namerepository {repository-nameise-config encryption-key hashplain {encryption-key name}]
take backup of ise thought CLI
example -
backup of configuration 
ise/admin# backup test repository disk ise-config encryption-key plain Test_1234
backup of operation 
backup mybackup repository myrepository ise-operational encryption-key plainlablab12

-->> backup-logs backup-name repository repository-name {public-key | {encryption-key { hash | plain encryption-key name}}
backup of logs use this command 
example - 
ise/admin# backup-logs Test repository disk encryption-key plain Test_1234 

ise/admin# backup-logs test repository disk public-key

-- >> ise/admin# cls
clear screen on cli
-->> ise/admin# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands

-->> copy running-config startup-config
copy running configure into startup
-->> copy running-config [protocol://hostname/location]

Copying Running Configuration from a Remote Location

example -
ise/admin# copy disk://mybackup-100805-1910.tar.gz ftp://myftpserver/mydir
copy log file into another location 

-->> crypto key generate rsa
this  command to generate a new public/private key pair 

-->> debug [ all | application | backup-restore | cdp | config | copy | icmp | locks | logging | snmp | system | transfer | user | utils ]
use debug command for troubleshooting 
example -
ise/admin# debug all
ise/admin# undebug all
-->> delete 
delete the files
ise/admin# delete disk:/hs_err_pid19962.log

-->> dir
this command for directory 
example -
ise/admin# dir
Directory of disk:/
2034113 Aug 05 2022 19:58:39 ADElogs.tar.gz
4096 Jun 10 2022 02:34:03 activemq-data/
4096 Aug 04 2022 23:14:53 logs/
16384 Jun 09 2022 02:59:34 lost+found/
2996022 Aug 05 2022 19:11:16 mybackup-100805-1910.tar.gz
4096 Aug 04 2022 23:15:20 target/
4096 Aug 05 2022 12:25:55 temp/

ise/admin# dir disk:/logs
0 Aug 05 2020 11:53:52 usermgmt.log

-->> forceout
this command in EXEC mode to force a user from an active session
example -
ise/admin# forceout user1

-->> halt
shut down and power off the system

-->> license esrclassic |smart }
enable license
-->> mkdir
make directory name
-->> nslookup
-->> patch install patch-bundle repository

install patch on box

example - 

ise/admin# patch install ise-patchbundle- disk

-->> patch [ remove {application_name | version}]
remove patch

-->> permit rootaccess

permit root access
example -

ise/admin# permit rootaccess
1. Generate Challenge Token Request
2. Enter Challenge Response for Root Access
3. Show History
4. Exit

-->> PING 
use ping for reachability 

-->> reload 
reload the ise box
restore [{filenamerepository {repository-nameencryption-key hash | plain {encryption-key-name}]

this command use to restore backup
example -
ise/admin# restore latest-jul-15-CFG-140715-2055.tar.gpg repository CUSTOMER-DB-sftp encryption-key plain Test_1234
-->> rmdir
remove directory 
-->> tech dumptcp {interface-number | count | package-count}
To dump traffic on a selected network interface, use the tech command 
example -
ise/admin# tech dumptcp 0 count 2
Invoking tcpdump. Press Control-C to interrupt.
tcpdump: listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes
2 packets captured
2 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

-->> terminal length

to set the number of lines on the current terminal screen for the current session, use the terminal length command 

-->> terminal terminal-type

o specify the type of terminal connected to the current line for the current session, use the terminal terminal-type cmd

-->> traceroute

use this command for traceroute

-->> which

To display the contents of commands available in admin CLI,

-->> write [ erase | memory | terminal ]

to copy, display, or erase Cisco ISE server configurations, use the write command 

example -
ise/admin# write memory
Generating configuration...

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