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How to User-Defined Attack Signatures in F5 ASM

 How to User-Defined Attack Signatures in F5 ASM

Step 1-

We can go into the application create policy -

Step 2- 

Go into next options and select server, web application ,SQL

Step 3- 

Now assign this policy to Virtual server and go into Security policy-

Step4 -

Now click on options and go into click on signature-

Step 5-

Click on Create and put name and value -

Name : test
Systems: Various Systems
Attack Typs : Other application Attacks
Rule: Vuluecontent:"test";
Accuracy : High
Risk: Medium

Click on finish

Step 6 -

From Attack Signatures List select Advanced Filder , Search test and go 

Go to Options >> Application security >> Attack Signatures >> Attack Signatures sets create

Name: test_policy
Assing into policy by Default uncheck
Signature Types : Request
Attack types: other Application attacks

Step 7-

Apply attack signature to security policy 

Security >> Application security >> Attack Signature >> Attack Signature configuration

Step 8 -

Tiggger an attack signature violation

go to the auetion site and seach for test, then you can see the logs

Step 9-

Verify attack signature violation

Application security >> Policy building >> Manual Traffic learning 

Click the attack Signature detected 
"test" signature is in staging 
clear the violation

Step 10 -

Change policy enforcement mode and test results

Security >> Application Security >> Securiy Policies >> Active Policies and click on your policy

change enforcement mode to blocking 

-->> Save and apply 

Step 11-

Now check the logs 

Go into Security >> Events Logs >> Application Requests

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