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How to build F5 ASM lab

 How to build F5 asm lab-

we need below files to use for lab-

1 - VMware Workstation (free trial or license both are fine)

2 - BIG-IP Virtual Edition (make sure you have the ASM module).

3 - The PHP Auction Site VMware files.

1- Download PHP Aucton site on below link.


 - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4xC7Uw8ziLER3RqZXZWTFZTcW8?resourcekey=0-shweDpAzbgSyDTAkHqy-iw

2- Download F5 Image on below link -

Download - 


3- Download VMware image -

Download VMware Workstation Pro


Set Vmware virtaul network-

Note - id and password of PHP Auction is ("root" and the password is "default".)

Once Auction is ready you can access though GUi-

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