Linux basic command for beginner
1- ls -l --> this command use to list of all directory
2- cd /var/log - change directory
3-grep - this command use for filter
4- su / sudo - this change root permission
5- pwd - use for current directory
6- passwd - chanage user account password
7- mv - move file
8 - cp- copy file
9- rm - remove file
10 - rmdir -r - remove directory
11- mkdir - make directory
chmod - change permission mode
1 - execute permission --x
2 - write permission only -w-
3 - wirte and execute permission -wx-
4 - read permission r--
5 - read and execute permission r-x
6 - read and write permission (2+6)=6 rw-
7 - read, write, execture permission, means full permission (1+2+4) - rwx
The first number stands for the user who is associated with the file
The second number is for the group associated with the file
The third number is associated with everyone else who is not a part of the user or group
Example -
"-rwx" -- this is the user permission
r-- this this the group permission
r-- this is the others that is not part of user and groups
change owner of a file/folder or even multiple files and folders for a specified user/group
command - chown owner_name file_name
example :-
chown user1
i have changed file owner as root so any normal user can use sudo to run this file
cat - concatenate
cat file.txt
cat file.txt file1.txt
show all output of text file on command line
use echo command
to display a text or a string to the standar output
$echo "this is my youtube channel"
$ echo –e “This is an article is for beginners. \nIt is on basic linux commands
This is an article is for beginners.It is on basic linux commands
wc -1 readme.txt
wc -l : Prints the number of lines in a file.
wc -w : prints the number of words in a file.
wc -c : Displays the count of bytes in a file.
wc -m : prints the count of characters from a file.
wc -L : prints only the length of the longest line in a file.
man grep
man mkdir
history -- check history
clear - use clear to clear command line
apt-get - this is a power and free frond end package manager for debian and ubuntu systems, its used to install new software and remove update packages, upgrade as well as upgrade entire operating system.
APT - adavanced packaging tool
reboot - reboot the system
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